
Saturday, July 07, 2007

O'Reilly: Pink-Gun-Totting Lesbian Gangs Terrorize Our Kids!!

How I wish I was making shit like this up...

How messed up in the head do you have to be to believe such...crap!!

To these people, apparently it is "well-known" how Lesbian and Gay gangs all over the nation are terrorizing straight people, assaulting kids forcing them to do homosexual acts, and indoctrinating our youth to be gay.

You heard me right

(h/t to Dave)

A "national underground network" of pink pistol-packing lesbians is terrorizing America. "All across the country," they are raping young girls, attacking heterosexual males at random, and forcibly indoctrinating children as young as 10 into the homosexual lifestyle, according to a shocking June 21 segment on the popular Fox News Channel program, "The O'Reilly Factor."

Titled "Violent Lesbian Gangs a Growing Problem," the segment began with host Bill O'Reilly briefly referencing for his roughly 3 million viewers the case of Wayne Buckle, a DVD bootlegger who was attacked by seven lesbians in New York City last August. Deploying swift, broad strokes, O'Reilly painted a graphic picture of lesbian gangs running amok. "In Tennessee, authorities say a lesbian gang called GTO, Gays Taking Over, are involved in raping young girls," he reported. "And in Philadelphia, a lesbian gang called DTO, Dykes Taking Over, are allegedly terrorizing people as well."

Except it turns out the source is not a very reliable person:

Confronted by the Intelligence Report, Wheeler was unable, in several phone and E-mail exchanges over a two-day period, to specify a single law enforcement agency or officer, police report, media account or any other source he relied upon for his D.C. area lesbian gangs claim. But he insisted that his report was accurate and that any law enforcement officer who disagrees is "out of touch."

Now, you would think such serious charges of such a "widespread" phenomena would be easy to back up with news reports, or police reports. That's ....suspicious.

BTW: The "Intelligence Report" is the official magazine of the Southern Poverty Law Center

A little info on them:
"The Southern Poverty Law Center was founded in 1971 as a small civil rights law firm. Today, SPLC is internationally known for its tolerance education programs, its legal victories against white supremacists and its tracking of hate groups."....(snip)

" Throughout its history, SPLC has worked to make the nation's Constitutional ideals a reality. The SPLC legal department fights all forms of discrimination and works to protect society's most vulnerable members, handling innovative cases that few lawyers are willing to take. Over three decades, it has achieved significant legal victories, including landmark Supreme Court decisions and crushing jury verdicts against hate groups."

Sounds like right wing hatemongers, via O'Reilly- are trying to further demonize homosexuals in our society.

To whip up hysteria about homosexuals they now resort to out right falsehoods...And no doubt they will find many all too willing to believe this crap.

The sheer stupidity of this story warranted top-billing in this blog post, but no frets, there is a roundup coming

The RoundUp

Jesus...This is horrible, even for someone jaded from seeing news of attacks in Iraq killing civilians everyday.

Iraq market truck bomb kills 105 civilians...

A deadly truck bombing in a busy market in northern Iraq has killed 105 people and injured 240, police say.

The morning blast destroyed the market in the small town of Amirli, south of Kirkuk, killing many people instantly and trapping dozens among the rubble.

Imagine it in American terms. Imagine a modest farmers market. Busy with hundreds of your fellow citizens minding their lives, all trying to live life like normal. Then imagine 105 of them dead...hundreds more wounded and screaming for help.

Forget that, try to imagine what 105 people look like...then do so. Horrible.

While I'm on the subject of Iraq...

It appears that Senate Majority (Democratic) Leader Harry Reid is poised to press once again for Iraq Withdrawal in the Senate.

Sensing momentum from the new Republican defections, Mr. Reid and other leading Democrats intend to force a series of votes over the next two weeks on proposals to withdraw troops and limit spending. Democrats are increasingly confident they can assemble majority opposition to administration policies.

β€œIt is going to be harder for Republicans to not sign on to something with bite in it, a clear Congressional assessment that change is needed,” said Senator Carl Levin, the Michigan Democrat who is chairman of the Armed Services Committee. β€œI think it is more likely there will be a majority around here that say we should begin to redeploy some forces by a certain date, and I hope it would be a larger majority.”

I say it is about time. I was deeply disappointed by the inability of the Democrats to continue pushing the president with legislation that would end this war. With that said, I understood then it was a lost cause:

Very few Republicans would vote for the legislation, and so it didn't have the 60 votes necessary to overrule a Presidential veto. Still I would have loved to see the Democrats bring up bill after bill, after bill, after bill in order to clearly show the American people that it is the President and his enablers in the Republican Party who continue to support the continuation of this horrible war.

Even if it could not have stopped the war, at the very least it could have prominently and consistently but all members of Congress - Democrat and Republican - on the record through their support or opposition to those withdrawal resolutions.

And it would have forced President Bush to repeatedly veto the bills, thus continuously reinforcing in the minds of the American people that it is Bush and the GOP who continue this war. If the Republicans want to continue supporting a bad policy, it is only fair that suffer political punishment for it...And we Democrats should help facilitate that as a way to increase the pressure to "turn" those wavering GOP members and peel off support for continuing this war.

Until we finally have those 60 votes...


Why do terrorists attack the UK time and time again? (McClatchy)
- An interesting piece that seeks to answer that.

They highlight several reasons such as the geographical distance of the US from the MidEast, the difficulty getting through more stringent US entry policies, but this is one that I found very interesting.

Karl-Heinz Kamp, the security policy coordinator at Germany's prestigious Konrad Adenauer research center, said it was easy to understand why.

"The U.S. has a historical advantage; America is still the land of opportunity to the whole world. The people moving there believe the American dream of social mobility," he said. "In Europe, we've historically treated our immigrants as hired help, and waited for them to finish the work they arrived for and go home."

Bob Ayers, a security and terrorism expert with London's Chatham House, a foreign-policy research center, thinks that immigrants to the U.S. actually become Americans, giving the United States a huge advantage in avoiding homegrown al Qaida terrorists. Europeans encourage immigrants to retain their native cultures, causing them to be ostracized more readily.

"The Islamic population in the United States is better assimilated into the general population, whereas here, in Germany, in France, they're very much on the outside looking in," he said. "When people get disaffected, sadly, there's not much loyalty to country in that sort of situation."

For all the problems in the United States, one thing that has always stood out to me as almost exceptional for the US, is it's ability to absorb and assimilate immigrants into American society. It starts with the immigrant himself, but it is locked in and permanent as soon as one reaches the second generation (like myself). It's one of the reasons I have a fit everytime I hear a retarded immigration nativist talk about how "those immigrants don't assimilate."

Because I know it's total bull. And one only has to look to Europe to see what "not assimilating" is like.

Most American's open their arms for new immigrants (unlike the nativists), and that is what is so different than Europe.

We are Americans, they became Americans. It produces a loyalty to the US that makes it infinitely more difficult for radical militants to recruit inside the US.

We should continue to ensure that all people who come to this nation are compelled to become American and not feel like outsiders.

Like the Italians, Irish, Pols, Russians and countless earlier immigrants, they will retain a pride and element for their former homelands even generations later, but they (like Mexicans) are the same.

We honor and respect our past, our old homeland, and out culture, but we consider ourselves American.

It is when racists and xenophobes try and tell us otherwise that we begin to wonder if we really are "true Americans."


Chaotic Lebanon Risks Being Militants Haven
- More unintended consequences of our complicity in allowing the Israeli attack against Hezbollah in Lebanon last summer.

And, given how many of those al-Qaeda linked militants are trained in the live-fire training ground of Iraq, this too can count as another unintended consequence of the Iraq invasion.


Vladimir Putin is kind of...creepy
- I hate the all too obvious historical parallels associate with creating and exploiting Youth Groups in order to indocrtinate young childrens to love and obey a singular leader figure. A nasty cult of personality and ideology with disturbing echoes of the "Hitler Youth" of the Nazi Regime.

Every day, Vladimir Putin's is dragging Russia further back towards it's troubled authoritarian Soviet past.

Just my opinion through....


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