
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This Is What I Like To See Democrats!!!

I like my Democrats strong. I want them to be tough and show backbone when dealing with Bush and dealing with Republicans.

I want more of this. And I may not be so understanding if you guys cave again.

Behold, a 'handy dandy' guide (thanks Spencer Ackerman of TPMCafe) to 'All the Democrats' Plans to End the War'

Readers: Here's your Election Central guide to all the possible legislative initiatives to end the Iraq War that are being worked out behind the scenes by Dem Congressional leaders and may be launched in the coming days.

Today Act II of the Democratic Congress' efforts to end the Iraq war kicks off in earnest -- beginning this afternoon, when the defense authorization bill goes to the Senate floor for two weeks of debate.

Democrats intend to turn the measure into a referendum on Iraq by introducing a whole series of Iraq-related amendments to the $650 billion defense bill, which sets Pentagon policy priorities for the next year. Each of these amendments is designed to rein in President Bush's conduct of the war and to force Senate Republicans to take a stand on the war and testing Bush's remaining political capital.

Here is the first example:

(1) Legislative Mechanism: The Webb Troop-Readiness Amendment

How it Would Work: Spotlighted by EC last month, Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) will propose a troop readiness measure increasing the amount of time active and reserve forces spend at home between deployments. While the precise numbers are unclear, if it passes, it will prevent the Pentagon from relieving units rotating out of Iraq in the spring with active-duty forces who haven't been home at for at least as long as their last tour, and three times as long for reservists. Due to the strain the four-year war has put on the military, Webb's amendment would very likely stop the surge by early 2008 and prevent any future escalation.

Likelihood of Passage: Reid will introduce Webb's amendment this afternoon. It's similar to a legislative gambit in the House by Rep. Jack Murtha (D-PA) that garnered fierce and successful opposition. Democrats don't expect that to change.

Political Purpose: Webb thinks that highlighting the stress that the increased operational tempo puts on the troops is the most favorable way for Democrats to frame the issue, even if GOPers accuse him of trying to get out of Iraq through the back door of deployment scheduling. Here the real target of the amendment may not be Senate Republicans or President Bush, but Defense Secretary Bob Gates, who's bringing deployment stress issues to bear on this week's internal administration deliberation on the surge. Watch for what Webb's fellow Virginia senator, defense lion John Warner -- who's uncommitted as to whether he'll seek reelection next year -- says about Webb's bill as a barometer of GOP defection.

The amendments range from the above one of requiring troops to have rest equal to their deployments thus indirectly making the current surge impossible to maintain. Others include cutting funding for war and forcing a withdrawal in that manner, or specifying a withdrawal timeline, or deauthorizing the war authorization the Congress gave in 2002.

Take a read. Needless to say there are various ways Democrats hope to wind down and end our involvement in Iraq, although even Mr. Ackerman notes that a lot of these ideas may not likely succeed. What they will likely succeed in doing is putting more pressure on Republicans in Congress who are face now and will face more political pressure from their continued support of this war.

I believe the hope is that by continually forcing this issue, and forcing politicians to take stands on them, these amendments and future amendments will get more and more support as more and more Republicans 'defect' and vote to save their sorry asses.

Do I expect that the Democrats will be successful in the short-term? No.

What I do not want to see - and what will disappoint me - is the Democrats not following through with this strategy. They have to continue to hold the President and the GOP's feet to the fire.

They will suffer many failed amendments, they will likely also get stopped by presidential vetoes, but they cannot give up because of that like they did last time. They have to keep coming back, keep raising the issue, keep introducing these amendments and bills and holding these jokers' feet above the fire until we finally have the votes to make something stick.

This is the most pressing issue for the American people today...Democrats owe it to them to be strong and persevere. America wants you to succeed.

And speaking of Democrats getting tough...

A couple weeks ago I blogged on House Democrats' (led by Rahm Emmanuel) attempts to cut funding for the Office of the Vice President due to his dubious legal argument that he was not in the Executive Branch. All so he didn't have to comply by EO rules that forced him to allow the National Archives to audit and see if his office is handling classified documents properly.

Who wants to bet they are not btw.

Anyways, the Democrats failed to get the amendment inserted 2 weeks ago, but they managed to insert the language this time in the Senate

If at first Rahm doesn't succeed, try, try again in the Senate.

This afternoon, a Senate appropriations panel chaired by Dick Durbin (D-IL) stripped $4.8 million out of Vice President Cheney's budget for not complying with security rules for classified information. The move -- on a day consumed by Iraq -- came two weeks after a previous effort in the House by Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) failed. It's unclear if the move will survive a full Appropriations Committee vote, but if Cheney wants his money back, all he needs to do is allow the National Archives' Information Security Oversight Office to perform a few unobtrusive inspections. Don't hold your breath, though.

How long that language survives is up in the air's hoping. Still, nice move.

But it doesn't end there because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had a few choice words for the President over the jump in the monthly cost for the Iraq war:

As we reported below, a new Congressional analysis shows that the cost of the Iraq War has jumped to an astounding $10 billion per month -- a fact that is certain to be picked up by Democrats and wielded like a mace against Bush and the GOP over Iraq.

Well, it's already started. From a statement just uncorked by Nancy Pelosi on the war costs:

“Think about what $10 billion a month would mean to protecting Americans from terrorism, improving security at our ports and airports, and increasing border security. Think about what $10 billion a month would mean for the 47 million Americans who don’t have health insurance, for the survivors of Hurricane Katrina, and for the education of our children. Think about what $10 billion a month would mean to lowering the deficit so that future generations are not burdened with debt.

“The American people are outraged at the Bush Administration’s misplaced priorities -- that is why Congress will hold the Administration accountable with votes this month to end the war and redeploy the troops. This will include a vote on legislation to begin redeployment of our troops within 120 days and to conclude by April 1, 2008, with the exception of those remaining in Iraq to fight terrorists and protect our diplomats.

“The date-certain legislation gives our Republican colleagues another opportunity to join Democrats in heeding the wishes of the American people, who want to wind down this war and bring our troops home.”

Greg Sargent raises the question about those supposedly defecting Republicans on the Iraq War.

They talk about wanting a different direction but, like Sen. Lugar and the other's: Where the hell where you a little while back as the Democrats struggled to build a veto-proof legislation that would have ended this war. Lugar - according to his own accounts - decided to turn away from the war weeks prior to his speech declaring it, yet....that time coincides with the time he could have actually done something to help end the war.

I've heard enough mouth-flapping from these Republican politicians, it's time to take practical steps to put your damn money where your mouth is.

Will they step up and prove they want change or will they be "Defectors In Name Only."

Sargent, like myself, is leaning towards the belief that the DINO caucus is and will be alive and well when the moment of truth comes.

Prove us wrong. I want to be wrong.


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