
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Damn Oyka!!! The Surge Again!! That's 3 Days in A Row!

I know it's beating a dead dog now, but new stuff comes out every day that I must comment about.

My computer froze as I was writing this post earlier today so I gave up (I had to find all the articles again....lazy). Obviously I decided to change my mind.

Before going into Pelosi's trip or the surge, I'd like to first share a bit of good news.
According to an AP-Ipsos poll released yesterday: Democratic-led Congress's Poll numbers have risen.

WASHINGTON - Public approval for Congress is at its highest level in a year as Democrats mark 100 days in power and step up their confrontation with President Bush over his handling of the Iraq War, the issue that overshadows all others.


Against that backdrop, the AP poll indicates the public wants Congress to push for an end to a war that has claimed the lives of more than 3,200 U.S. troops.

Forty percent of those surveyed said they approve the job Congress is doing, up from 25 percent approval registered for the Republican majority in the weeks leading to last fall's elections. Disapproval of Congress totals 57 percent.

The public opinion split is identical on the issue of Democratic handling of Iraq - 40 percent approve, 57 percent disapprove.

Its not all milk and honey though, as you will see if you continue reading the article. Now you may be thinking: 40 percent is not that good, and you would be right. Its not good that only 40% of Americans approve of the Congress performance. Of course, in the relative context of Americans then support for the Republican-led Congress and to the Presidents own current approval numbers, it is good and the trend is one of a steadily increasing approval rating.

Most Americans liked the initial 100 Hours Agenda of the Democrats, but the issue foremost in the minds of Americans is Iraq -- specifically, leaving it. I hate that I cannot find the actual polling data and must rely on second-hand news accounts but ap-ipsos makes you pay for that kind of privilege (no thanks).

It is definitely no coincidence that the Congress's approval ratings have begun to rise around the time that it (mainly Democrats) started introducing binding, substantive resolutions with the aim of bringing back our soldiers from Iraq. There must be others factors at play as well I assume; the 100 Hours legislation, the increased pressure and oversight the new Congress is undertaking etc...Yet Iraq is likely the major factor.

Let this be a lesson for the Democrats: The American people like it when you get tough with the President and when you actually stand up and try with conviction to get us out of the Iraqi mess. Lets see some more and those poll numbers are sure to keep going up.

Now, as promised, on to the Surge.

The NY Times of April 8th ran a piece that attempts to asses whether the Surge has been a success (at least so far)

BAGHDAD, April 8 — Nearly two months into the new security push in Baghdad, there has been some success in reducing the number of death squad victims found crumpled in the streets each day.

And while the overall death rates for all of Iraq have not dropped significantly, largely because of devastating suicide bombings, a few parts of the capital have become calmer as some death squads have decided to lie low.

But there is little sign that the Baghdad push is accomplishing its main purpose: to create an island of stability in which Sunni Arabs, Shiite Arabs and Kurds can try to figure out how to run the country together. There has been no visible move toward compromise on the main dividing issues, like regional autonomy and more power sharing between Shiites and Sunnis.

For American troops, Baghdad has become a deadlier battleground as they have poured into the capital to confront Sunni and Shiite militias on their home streets. The rate of American deaths in the city over the first seven weeks of the security plan has nearly doubled from the previous period, though it has stayed roughly the same over all, decreasing in other parts of the country as troops have focused on the capital.

American commanders say it will be months before they can draw conclusions about the campaign to secure Baghdad, and just more than half of the so-called surge of nearly 30,000 additional troops into the country have arrived.

As I mentioned in my previous post, sectarian violence is down although overall violence is on the rise. In fact, the numbers run counter to this article as well because they show that US & UK casualties are up as well as Iraqi civilian casualties.

This article is similar to others I've cited in that they attribute some of the decrease in certain types of violence to the insurgents "lying low"; essentially following what happens when a large new tactics are unrolled.

Lay low for awhile, observe the new tactic, adapt, counterattack.

What baffles me is the level of violence still present even as the insurgents are supposedly "laying low."

Whats worse, the Shia militia of Muqtada al-Sadr has called of its truce with the US forces and is calling for its leader is calling on members to attack US forces.

The last thing this already failing Surge needed was for the large and powerful Shia militia of al-Sadr to join the fray.

And, as the Times article above notes; the supposed goal of fostering an environment that brings together the political factions of the various sectarian groups, is not (at least to date) working. A political solutions is still a ways off on many issues of contention.
But its not all seriousness in regards to the surge: Robert Farley of Lawyers, Guns and Money, points out a hilarious (and sad) faulty process of the mind among many right wingers that produces this:

Captain Ed:

Moqtada al-Sadr has decided to finally acknowledge that the surge strategy in Baghdad will undermine the basis of his power in Iraq, and has ordered the Mahdi Army to resist American and Iraqi forces trying to put him out of business.

Remember now; if the Mahdi Army lies low, then the Surge is working. If the Mahdi Army fights back, then the Surge is working. If the Mahdi Army has already dissolved, the Surge is working. If Sadr cooperates, the Surge is working. If he runs, the Surge is working. If he orders attacks, the Surge is working. It's magical, this Surge; no matter what happens, the evidence demonstrates that the Surge is working. It can't fail! Any behavior taken by anyone in Iraq is a positive by-product of the Surge. I mean, sure, the Surge hasn't dented American casualty rates or Iraqi casualty rates for the country as a whole, but that also is evidence that it's working; the enemy is clearly desperate, which is why he's attacking us. I'm glad it's not my job to manufacture this tripe.

LOL!!! The mental gymnastics some people will go to in order to continue believing something!! I salute Mr. Farley on the many who frequent the right-wing blogosphere in order to see what idiocy they often spout...I can contend with opposing ideas (hell I used to have a Republican roommate who very often talked politics with me), I just can't stand some of the idiocy that passes for blogging among high profile members of the right blogsphere.

Trust me, this incident above is 1 incident of hundreds from this same guy. I'll leave it to people like Mr. Farley.

That's all for today. Bye folks!


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Dupa Jasia said...

.. .. ...


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