
Saturday, April 28, 2007


Jon Stewart slams Pat Robertsons Christian 'Law Schools': (video)

Hahaha!! Its funny how the focus is more on promoting Christian interests through law than in simply serving the law, no wonder they are 4th tier. And the fact that they have so many graduates in the White House reinforces the perception (a correct one) that this White House and conservatives in general prefer ideological and religious folks running things, as opposed to just plain qualified people.

Oh no!! The people running things are unqualified beyond politics or religion...who would have guessed. [/sarcasm]

House Minority Leader Boehner voted for Somalia Withdrawal, now says we cannot leave Iraq 'like we left Somalia'

In 1993, current House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) voted numerous times to limit the deployment of troops in Somalia, including one bill that set a six-month timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. forces.

Like several other
war supporters who once backed timelines, Boehner now attacks those who favor redeploying U.S. troops out of Iraq’s civil war as “defeatists” who want a “date certain for surrender.”

But Boehner has taken this hypocrisy to a new level. Despite clamoring for a withdrawal from Somalia in 1993, he had the temerity to charge yesterday that war critics were “walk[ing] out” on Iraq “just like we did in Somalia.”

Heh. Bet I know their answer to this: "But, but...It was different!!" lol

'Minority AIDS Initiatives threatened by funding changes' (via Rawstory).


I'll have a little more substance later tonight. I'm not going out tonight (I did enough Thursday and Friday) so I'll definitely be writing something.



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